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Why Choose us?
1. Operating Since 2012 2. Doctoral Leadership Of R&D Team 3. Full Quality Inspection Process 4. 100,000+ Level Dust-Free Production Workshop 5. GMPC/ISO/CE/TUV/MSDS/COA Certificated 6. Exported To 50+ Countries 7. Large Inventory, Immediate Shipment
Factory ScaleEstablished In 2012, Covering An Area of 10,000 ㎡, 100,000+ Level Dust-Free Production Workshop, With 300 Experienced Technicians.
Product QualityThe Product Production Meets International Standards And Has Certifications Such As GMPC, GMP, ISO 9001, And ISO 22716. We Have Over 300 Professional Technical Personnel, 50 Quality Inspection Personne.
Scope Of BusinessWe have established strong cooperative relationships with 10,000 companies from over 50+ countries, including the Europe, North America, and Middle East.
Our TeamOver 300 Technical Personnel, 50 Quality Inspection Personnel, And 20 R&D Personnel. A Team Of Over 60 People Provides Product Consulting, Packaging Design, Promotional Images And Videos.
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